

Learn about current language teaching methods

Develop a better understanding of your teacher self

Discuss important emotional events in your teaching life

Facilitated by experienced and well-qualified teacher educators from UK and Vietnam

This Teacher Activity Groups project is funded by the British Council and implemented by Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, in partnership with Hue University, Vietnam. The grant supports establishment of a network of pilot TAGs focusing on teachers from different provinces in Viet Nam, development of content and implementation of TAG projects across a 12-month period, monitor and evaluate the TAG projects and their impact on teachers’ continuous professional development.

In this project, we will conduct a 12-month online professional development activity in the form of Teacher Activity Groups (TAGs), focusing on guiding school-level English language teachers in Central provinces of Vietnam to critically examine three core aspects of their professional identity. These include teaching as being (teachers’ understanding of who they are and aspire to be as language teachers), feeling (their attitudes and emotional responses to teaching and learning events), and doing (their pedagogy).

Our aims are:

(1) to help English teachers develop their understanding of their own teacher selves and articulate their PD needs and desires in relation to their teacher identity, and

(2) to create and sustain through the TAGs a trusted community for English teachers in Vietnam to exchange meaningful professional conversations, share pedagogical ideas, as well as offer each other support to overcome challenges in their teaching and professional practices.


Teachers’ understanding of who they are and aspire to be as language teachers


Teaching methods and techniques


Teachers’ attitudes and emotional responses to teaching and learning events

Why participate?

FREE online teacher training activity

You’ll meet once a month for 12 months

Meetings in the evening time to fit your busy schedule

You’ll join Facebook and Whatsapp communities of like-minded teachers to interact and learn from each other

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